4837-49 N Stenton Av, Philadelphia, PA 19144
It is vital that all equipment is accounted for as it enters and exits an FME Zone. Keeping track of the equipment can be daunting, as many plants log tools/equipment manually.
Toolsaver® RFID technology is a natural fit for M&TE storage areas. Inventory control, check-in/check-out functions, NIST traceability on calibration data are can all be automated.
Whether you manage a warehouse, a tool crib, or keep track of C-Vans or other storage areas, our Toolsaver® RFID solutions can help save time, money and reduce HP issues.
Automated Identification (Auto-ID) applications provide corporate information systems with the identity of each physical item in the supply chain in an automated and timely manner.
There are typically a thousand or more fire extinguishers at a nuclear power plant. Monthly inspections of date, time, condition, location and ID of the inspector all have to be recorded.
The Toolsaver® RFID Tool Tracking and Accountability Solutions provide cutting-edge methods of managing tools, spare parts, safety equipment MRO items and other supplies.
Lifting and Rigging assets must be inspected yearly for fitness for duty. Many nuclear sites use color-coding to identify which units are suitable for use during specific time periods.