4837-49 N Stenton Av, Philadelphia, PA 19144
It is vital that all equipment is accounted for as it enters and exits an FME Zone. Keeping track of the equipment can be daunting, as many plants log tools/equipment manually...
Our Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) solution will eliminate the overwhelming task of logging each and every piece of equipment, by automatically identifying each piece...
Keeping track of the equipment can be a daunting task, as many plants log tools/equipment manually (by writing all of the information down).
Some items are difficult or impossible to individually tag. For those items, the Check-In/Check-Out process can also use vision systems to identify and record them.
Multiple items can be checked in or out by simply taking a picture The system identifies them and makes a record at check-in and compares it on check-out.
RFID tagged items can be quickly moved through the check-in process. This video illustrates the steps that occur when a worker brings their tools to the FME Zone checkpoint.