4837-49 N Stenton Av, Philadelphia, PA 19144
Toolsaver® RFID technology is a natural fit for M&TE storage areas. Inventory control, check-in/check-out functions, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceability of calibration data are all functions that can be automated with our Toolsaver® RFID System. Combined with our FME Zone Module, M&TE assets that are out of calibration cannot be entered into an RFID enabled FME Zone. This alone can save many man-hours!
Remote viewing and/or administration of M&TE storage areas is another capability of the Toolsaver® RFID System. You can check on the status and inventory of any storage area without leaving your desk. Email alerts to unusual conditions can be automatically sent to you as well. You can track asset use by time/date, work order, employee, and contractor or workgroup all at the same time automatically.
A reports module is included with the system. If our Toolsaver® module collects the data, we can present that data in your preferred format.