4837-49 N Stenton Av, Philadelphia, PA 19144
Toolsaver® RFID Tool Tracking and Accountability Solutions provides the flexibility to be used in virtually every environment, whether it is a tool crib, modular storage, retrieval cabinets or other means of securing inventory of critical supplies. Our system provides cutting-edge methods of managing tools, spare parts, safety equipment, MRO items and other supplies. In addition, it tracks inventory and usage, consumption against budget and can be configured to generate purchase orders either manually or automatically, reducing the possibility of stock-outs. Our solutions enhance digital tracking of inventory through a process providing nearly 100% positive FME (Foreign Material Exclusion), assistance with FOD (Foreign Object Debris) and FOSAR (Foreign Object Search and Retrieval).
In addition to accountability and loss minimization benefits, Toolsaver® has a work order module which automates the scheduling of maintenance and repairs to assets required by ANSI. Compliance reports with electronic signatures and other auditable information is provided which conforms to strict industry standards.